Early Years
At ToBeMe, our babies and toddlers experience their learning and play in open-plan classrooms covering all areas needed for their development. This encourages each child to explore and experience naturally, in ways that suit individuals with unique and different interests.
Early Years Programs at ToBeMe
Our Early Years program reflects our overarching ToBeMe Early Learning CurriculumTM, which focuses on encouraging children to develop a curiosity for the world around them through connections-based learning.
Each classroom features theatrical stages for dress-up and drama, home corners, block play areas and indoor active areas for in-room physical activities. ToBeMe is also the only early learning centre in NSW to offer reading, writing and spelling program THRASS from the age of 6 months (usually introduced in schools from 6 years onwards).
Why Our Early Years Childcare Is so Special
Babies and toddlers are naturally curious. They benefit from being stimulated with a variety of learning environments and activities to allow them to develop to their full potential.
That’s why the rooms in our childcare centres open out onto generous indoor and outdoor play areas including real grass and shrubs, as well as a herb and vegetable garden. This provides constant access to new opportunities, allowing young minds to grow as they encounter different challenges throughout the day.
Children also get to enjoy our campus-style learning spaces including a children’s restaurant, a dedicated art studio, library, LEGO® room, and gymnasium where our daily sports program takes place. Our early learning programs are perfectly at home within these wonderful environments that children love being a part of. With colour, vibrancy and adventure waiting behind every corner, your special someone will soon find themselves embarking on an exciting journey that will lay important foundations for life. This is what makes early years childcare at ToBeMe so special.
About ToBeMe
We’ve developed a hybrid curriculum that combines the best teaching methods from a range of different approaches. The way that we encourage children to learn is unique and harmonises Montessori methodology, THRASS and Reggio Emilia. To provide a well rounded educational experience that meets the needs of individual learning styles, we have many highly trained teachers who are experts in their particular field. This means that ToBeMe is able to offer a versatile curriculum that welcomes and nurtures all children.
Contact Us
To find out more about our early years childcare, get in touch with our friendly team. Our purpose-built centres in Sydney are designed to encourage creativity, exploration and adventure so each child can move towards further education with confidence. Call today or complete our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
We also offer ToBeMe prep schooling.
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